Thursday, April 06, 2006


First Pictures - This is it!

It's still in the shop. The engine is still in the other room. But this is our 1957 Volkswagen. The color is Horizon Blue. Don't worry about that back wheel. When the engine is installed, it will be almost straight. The truth is that Volkswagens from that era always have the wheel tilted out a little at the top. Two average people in the back seat will make it look normal, and two big fat guys might even make the wheel lean in at the top. Yes, there is room for a couple of big un's in that back seat.

We hope to have it on the road by the end of April. In the mean time, I am cleaning the garage. (Anybody need a chrome and Formica dinette suite from the 50's?)

Footnote - Well, we didn't get the car on the road in April, but it will be ready today, May 13, 2006. Close enough.

Monday, April 03, 2006


tricked out Honda

Did you ever wonder what happened to your old Honda? Maybe somebody did this with it.

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